Friday, December 18, 2020
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
Monochromatic Painting (COMPLETED)– Elena Proctor
This is my completed monochromatic painting! Acrylics really don't work as easily as they make it look on those internet painting videos... but I really feel like I'm getting better at using them! Here I'll include three pictures: the finished piece, the reference photo, and both back to back.
Monday, December 7, 2020
Choice Board #5– Minecraft House Tour! (Elena Proctor)
Hello, sorry for not posting this yesterday, I got caught up in things and I forgot to make screenshots of my Minecraft house. So while I was in quarantine when my mother and my brother got COVID-19, I didn't have a lot of motivation to draw or paint and so what I normally do when it comes to this is that I start to play video games. In case you didn't know, I am in the Archmere E-sports club, which is essentially a club for video games. Paul and Aidan had set up a public Minecraft server open for the school to play in. So while Minecraft is naturally a game to fight monsters and find advancements to your armor and weapons in order to defeat the Ender Dragon in the End of the game, I'm more into working on an extravagant house to live in. And so that's exactly what I did! Here are many screenshots I took of the completed house, you may have to click "see more" to see the full thing.
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Friday, December 4, 2020
Selected black and white composition: Descriptor: Order 3D Principle that most identifies with my composition: Pattern Thumbnail sketch:
This is a comic I made for English class in the subject of satire. I experimented with character design on this one!