Sunday, November 1, 2020

Ally McLaughlin - Choice Board #4


The prompt is Surrealist Collage. For the process, I got a clayboard and used matte medium to transfer the girl on, however I either didn't use enough matte medium or scrubbed too when removing the top layer of paper. I then used gouache to create a yellow/orange mix/gradient and covered the entire background that color. After that, I printed and cut out a bunch of images which I then glued to the clayboard. 

To summarize, the piece is supposed to be a commentary on climate change. The girl is sitting on a melting iceberg and she is looking up at the "clouds" which are really smoke emissions. On the "clouds" are a dead tree (deforestation), an army tank (war over diminishing resources), and the tropical storm symbol (disrupted weather patterns). The girl represents the people today. She is wearing yellow to symbolize heat and she is also casually sitting to represent the careless attitude towards climate change. There is a darker orange around her to further emphasize the heat aspect. She is also a young girl, representing future people too. 

I am proud of how this piece turned out, however it still seems a bit "basic" to me, like I could add more. I think it could also be a cleaner piece, you can see some of the rough texture left over from the transfer. But overall, I am happy with this piece and I kind of like how it leaves a lot of room for different interpretations and commentary. 


  1. This is so cool Ally. I love how you had a meaning behind this project, especially something that is really big in our world right now. I think it is very creative how you put the meanings on each cloud. This is so good and has so much potential!

  2. Ally, I am so impressed with this for several reasons:
    1. Experimentation with a new medium/approach
    2. Carefully consideration of imagery to establish a narrative and loaded content for the work
    3. Creating work that addresses contemporary, meaningful issues and concerns-an important function of art!
    4. Directly engaging your audience and inviting them to contemplate meaning and message-and maybe inspire acton.
    5. Reflecting about the process and outcome, what could have been done better or differently and what was learned in this process

    Well done!
    *And I don't think the matte medium transfer process outcome is distracting-in fact I kind of like the different qualities fo the girl/subject and the collaged elements. It is as though she feels like she is disappearing, or in danger of fading away-and if she is an embodiment or symbol of humanity and imminent demise, then it would seem that the idea that she is dissolving or not as sharp as the other elements connects to your concept. You are on to something here, Ally!


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