Sunday, November 1, 2020

Choice Board #4- The Sun and The Sea


To create this artwork, I used crayons and a blow dryer. This was a very fun choice board for me. From being stuck in my house, I needed to do a project that would help me relax and take my mind off of things. Watching the crayons melt was very mesmerizing and satisfying to me. I decided to put a sun behind the crayons to demonstrate the beauty of the ocean and the power it has over everything. We haven't even discovered half of the ocean which is very scary. In person, the texture looks really cool and feels soft. 


  1. This is so good. It kind of looks like the perspective of looking up from under the sea which is really cool. I really am drawn to the transition between the dark and light blues. I feel like a little sparkle or bright additions would be cool to show the glare of the sun.

  2. Natalie this is a spectacular use of experimental mixed media approaches! I love working in encaustic, which is a kind of wax painting process developed way back in the ancient times. You can achieve these beautiful layers of luminosity and transparency. I especially appreciate the context and insight you offered in your description of the work, and what you as an artist were thinking about. I agree, I can't believe we know more about outer space than our own oceans! Incredible! You captured the sense of depth not only of the ocean itself, but of the mystery that lies within. I almost want to see a series of these, where you take the two major elements of water and the sun motif and explore different compositions and colors-the only variable being the color of the waves and the placement of the circular sun design element, Could be an interesting 2D design series/exploration!


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