Monday, November 30, 2020

Digital Composite-Elena's Dress (& The Importance of Good Photos!)

 Hello Amazing Junior Portfolio Students!

If you haven't yet seen Elena's final dress project in the previous post, prepare to be amazed!

Well done, Elena! I can't wait to see everyone else's completed works of imaginative apparel design!

I am sharing a screenshot of a "WIP" (Work In Progress) Photoshop composite of Elena's dress. You can now see/appreciate the importance of good, clear well-lit photos against a solid backdrop. The images Elena took of every angle (front, both sides, and back) using the paper drape I gave to each of you makes it pretty easy to cut these out and put together a professional composite in Photoshop for Scholastics & your portfolios:

I hope you all had a great break, and I can't wait to see your progress when we meet for class this week!

If you are finished with your dress project, don't forget to take some great photos and send me the (largest possible size) files.

I am more than happy to show you how to "Photoshop" these yourself if you want to learn how!


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Completed Dress Project- Elena Proctor

 Hello everyone, I have successfully completed the dress and taken photos! This was a really fun project and probably one of my best works. I’m really happy with how it came out and I can’t wait for the next project. Here are some pictures of the dress to take a look!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Digital Hybrids-Using Adobe Photoshop to Advance Studio Projects & Accelerate Creative Possibilities

Using your spray paint pieces created in class today, experiment with developing your "spontaneous designs" in spray paint to create new versions of the piece.

View this YouTube Demo I created that walks you through step-by-step how to use blend modes and layer masks to combine imagery and develop new possibilities.

Consider this as a possible approach for a future Choice Board!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 Create an account and register for Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

Step 1: VISIT

Step 2: Create an Account.

Step 3: Visit this Google Drive folder to download a photo of your artwork. ***Some of you have more than one piece in the folder** ENTER ANYTHING YOU WANT! CHOICE BOARDS, art created in past courses, ETC. I WILL SPONSOR YOU.

Step 4: Enter dimensions (8" x 10" if it is vertical, 10" x 8" if it is horizontal in orientation).

Materials: Scratchboard, Category: Drawing

Step 5: Determine a title for your scratchboard drawing

Step 6: Print your form: You should see the 2nd Floor Manor Printer in Self Service:

Applications  --> Self Service -- > Printers

Step 7: You and a parent need to sign the form. Bring in a check for $7 per entry, made out to "Delaware State University," NOT to Mrs. Silverman or Archmere Academy.

  • All artwork must be entered, forms signed and printed, and checks given to Mrs. Silverman by NEXT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH!

  • There is a marked "Scholastics" drop box on the little white table near my office on the 2nd floor of the Manor. You can put your signed forms and checks in there or hand them to me.

  • What's Next??

  • Jury Process: January 7 & 8, 2021.

  • Artwork Due for Exhibit: Tuesday, January 12, 2021.

  • Exhibit: January 20 - February 6, 2021.

  • American Vision Decisions: Tuesday, January 19, 2021.

Awards Ceremony: Saturday, February 6, 2021, 11am -12:30pm 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Matte Medium Transfers on Clayboard

 In case anyone wants to try out the Matte Medium Image Transfer Process for a future choice board, here is a link to the Youtube Demo Video I created for you. This is the process Ally recently used in her Choice Board (girl on yellow, climate change social commentary)

Below is the sample/demo piece I created using the technique. 


1. Kate Moss is transferred with the matte medium transfer technique, and then 

2. I painted the background pink and then 

3. used Mod Podge (*You should have some in your art kits) to collage on the bananas. 

4. Finally, I added a hot pink contour line for emphasis and to create a sense of unity in the work.

Jeff Schaller-Encaustic Artist to Check Out


In response to Natalie's recent Choice Board with the melted crayons, I wanted to introduce you to an artist named Jeff Schaller-he is an encaustic artist (uses layers imagery and melted wax!). He is actually local, I had him come to do a workshop with my Junior Portfolio 2D Design students a few years back-a lot of fun!

His mixed media wax paintings have a sort of "Pop Art" feel (echoing Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Wayne Thiebaud and others from that movement) where he is collaging different elements and recombining them into new compositions. His work is a good example pf how you can "appropriate" or take images form published or online sources but re-contextualize them and alter them to make something entirely your own (and not risk infringing on copyright protections/plagiarize).

You can see more if his work here:

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Choice Board #4- The Sun and The Sea


To create this artwork, I used crayons and a blow dryer. This was a very fun choice board for me. From being stuck in my house, I needed to do a project that would help me relax and take my mind off of things. Watching the crayons melt was very mesmerizing and satisfying to me. I decided to put a sun behind the crayons to demonstrate the beauty of the ocean and the power it has over everything. We haven't even discovered half of the ocean which is very scary. In person, the texture looks really cool and feels soft. 

Choice Board #4– Elena Proctor

 I did a pumpkin carving. I took a picture from a book of pumpkin carvings and challenged myself to redraw it without tracing it onto the pumpkin. Then I carved it. This is the second time I've carved a pumpkin and it surprisingly took longer than I expected. I also carved out candy shadows on the back of the pumpkin! It turned out surprisingly well!

Ally McLaughlin - Choice Board #4


The prompt is Surrealist Collage. For the process, I got a clayboard and used matte medium to transfer the girl on, however I either didn't use enough matte medium or scrubbed too when removing the top layer of paper. I then used gouache to create a yellow/orange mix/gradient and covered the entire background that color. After that, I printed and cut out a bunch of images which I then glued to the clayboard. 

To summarize, the piece is supposed to be a commentary on climate change. The girl is sitting on a melting iceberg and she is looking up at the "clouds" which are really smoke emissions. On the "clouds" are a dead tree (deforestation), an army tank (war over diminishing resources), and the tropical storm symbol (disrupted weather patterns). The girl represents the people today. She is wearing yellow to symbolize heat and she is also casually sitting to represent the careless attitude towards climate change. There is a darker orange around her to further emphasize the heat aspect. She is also a young girl, representing future people too. 

I am proud of how this piece turned out, however it still seems a bit "basic" to me, like I could add more. I think it could also be a cleaner piece, you can see some of the rough texture left over from the transfer. But overall, I am happy with this piece and I kind of like how it leaves a lot of room for different interpretations and commentary. 

Janki's BHN Model